Web UX Suggestions

Festinger is a great website for resources, but I think there are few areas it can improve. My suggestions are:

  1. Downloaded file can have a version instead of a long random number. For example, Pluging_name_v1.4.9. If more digits required for some reason, it can be added after version number.

  2. Search function is OK but not excellent. For example, if you search for “badge”, search suggestions bring up a lot of relevant results, but it’s limited how much we can see here. Then if you search for “badge” and press enter, you get much less relevant results. I think this is partially because themes are also listed here. Which brings me to my next suggestion.

  3. Have a filter on the search results - e.g. Themes / Plugins / Both. This way we can filter out unnecessary stuff.

  4. Speed of updates. I know you are busy with the new forum etc., but I used to get update requests completed within 24hrs, if not quicker. I requested one (YITH Badge Management) about 7-8 days ago, and still no luck. In the meantime, you moved Update Request to forums, so I requested there as well, about 4 days ago… It would be great to see you again updating requests within 24h or so, We expect nothing but the best from Festinger :slight_smile:


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Hey @north.west – I wanted to say: THANK YOU!

This information is really valuable to me and our team, to make the right improvements. :smiley:

In regards to your list, I’m happy to comment to them.

  1. I second that. I will discuss this with our lead engineer. With our current situation, a unique ID is being created upon each download/installation to track the download history. From a WordPress user perspective, it’s much more helpful if this contains the itemname_versionnumber structure. This will be updated!
  2. Are you referring to our main website, Festinger Vault plugin, or community search functionality? Please let us know and we can see what we can improve there.
  3. Noted. Would you like to see more filters?
  4. I completely agree with you. We’ve now automated every update to our forum. The speed of the updates is now a couple of hours, rather than 24 hours+ :P. Have we missed some of your update requests?


Hi, thanks for getting back to me and taking these suggestions on board.

  1. Thanks
  2. Talking about the main site, not the forum.
  3. Now you asked :slight_smile: Plugin/theme would be priority, and the only other filter would be the developer (brand), but there is some work to be done there first. For example, if you search for Barn2, you will see some listed under Barn2 and another “premium plugins”. So I think premium plugins list will need to be tidied up a bit.
  4. That’s great to hear that you are back on track with the updates. This is the one that’s missed out: YITH Badge Management. I also had requested an update for this on the old system: YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

Thanks as always.

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Hi @north.west,

  1. Noted!
  2. Noted as well. This change will be added by the end of this week.
  3. See #2. :slight_smile: - but I assume you press enter after your search to see the search results on the page? When I search for an item, I only use the search bar without pressing enter.

Would you suggest minimizing the number of search results on the result page?

  1. Unfortunately, YITH recently changed their membership pricing plans, and they do charge now around $100 per single license. As they have around 30-40 available plugins and themes, it’s financially not feasible to buy licenses individually, as we were used to using a developer license with them. We will consider removing YITH items from our repository.
