Email Notifications of new Updates

:star_struck: Summary Email Notifications of new Updates will keep you updated. You will be receiving an email notification upon a new update has been posted on our website.
:hammer_and_wrench: Availability Available to all membership plans.
:open_book: Source This feature is only available on the Festinger Vault.

What are email notifications?

One of the major benefits of using Festinger Vault is its email notifications system, which allows customers to receive email notifications for every new update of themes or plugins posted on the Festinger Vault. If you want to receive these email notifications, there are two ways to subscribe.

The first method is to press the “Follow” button on every download page of a WordPress theme or plugin. This button is easy to spot on the page and can be found by customers who are interested in receiving email notifications for any new updates.

If your status is ‘following’ - you will be enjoying automatic email notifications. You can always unfollow a theme or plugin for new updates, by pressing the button again.

The second method is that customers who have downloaded a theme or plugin from the Festinger Vault main website are automatically subscribed to receive email notifications for updates. This means that customers will be notified instantly via email whenever a new update is available. You only have to press the ‘download now’ button and you got auto-subscribed.

How can I turn off the email notifications?

You can easily go to your account preferences and switch off ‘email notifications’.